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Jan Kokert


Jan Kokert

Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg
Institut für Elektrische Mess- und Prüfverfahren
Georges-Köhler-Allee 106
79110 Freiburg

Tel.: +49 (0)761 203 7249
Web: www.imtek.de/emp

Curriculum Vitae

Jan Kokert was born 1984 in Bautzen, Germany. After passing his Abitur at the technical Grammar School in Freiburg in 2005 he started his studies in Microsystem Engineering at the University of Freiburg in 2006, which he finished in 2009. In his Bachelor thesis he developed a VHDL-Logic-Level Monte-Carlo simulation tool for a better prediction of the variability of delay times in digital circuits operating in the subtheshold region.

Parallel to his studies he developed software for measurement data acquisition and data reduction in LabVIEW at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM. From 2009 to 2012 he worked as a research assistant at the Laboratory for Electrical Instrumentation at the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK). His work comprised the development of a light-barrier-based time recording system for the System-Design-Projekt and an RFID-based coffee accounting system.

In 2010 Jan Kokert started his Master studies in Microsystem Engineering, which he finished in 2012. In his Master thesis he developed an intralogistic localization system based on galvanometer laser scanning.

Since 2013 he is doing research on low-energy sensor knots within the scope of the graduate school of Small scale renewable energy systems (KleE).


J. Kokert, F. Wolling, F. Höflinger, L.M. Reindl
Improvements and Evaluation of the Indoor Laser Localization System GaLocate
2013 Proc. of International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN'2013), Montbéliard, France

J. Kokert, F. Höflinger, L.M. Reindl
Indoor Localization System based on Galvanometer-Laser-Scanning for numerous Mobile Tags (GaLocate)
2012 Proc. of International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN'2012), Sydney, Australia (Link)

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